Are you a Caregiver?

We became acutely aware of the needs of caregivers of the elderly by being involved in real time, in real life, with the complex and difficult issues that can create so much stress in a caregiver’s life if they are not dealt with in a healthy, life enhancing way. It occurred to us that the work we were doing in other areas, as well as in our own personal lives, could really help people change the way they moved through and experienced what tends to be a difficult and challenging part of living.

Peg and I have been writing a book on preventing Caregiver Burnout. This work integrates an energetic/spiritual approach and brings it to the issue of stress management and burnout prevention that is such a big issue for caregivers.

We have our own experience to draw on as well s our other partner, Tony Pace’s experiences, but we would love to hear from you as we develop this work. You can join the conversation on our Monday morning radio show, fill out the confidential questionnaire that appears on the homepage on this website or email us.

Here are some of the questions we are exploring in our book and on our radio show:

What do you see as the biggest issues in care-giving?

What do you think is important to address for this growing population?

How does care-giving fit into one’s sacred path?

How did your life change as a result of caring for elderly parents?

What has been the most difficult or challenging aspects of caring for elderly parents?

What has been most satisfying about caring for others?

What really works when it coming to caring for oneself?

How do you deal with frustration or angry feelings toward those you care for?