
Healing Issues of Anxiety, Safety and Belonging

Safety and belonging are a fundamental concern for all of us. They are issues that need our compassionate care, attention and healing.

The root chakra is the first chakra that is active when we are born. This center develops through non-verbal means. That is we sense the attitude of our caretakers how they respond to our basic needs for food, shelter, touch, safety and belonging. How we are treated during this time has a tremendous influence on what gets registered in our body-mind regarding issues of safety and belonging. The state of the root chakra also has to do with our physical vitality.

Imbalances in Root Chakra
Fear is the predominant feeling of an imbalance in the root chakra. Disruptions of energy in the root chakra typically show in fears regarding survival and security, problems with food and money, and difficulty with grounding and manifestation of material needs.

Healing from Root Chakra Issues
The issues here are often not easily accessible through conscious or verbal means. Methods that bring unconscious material into conscious awareness need to be coupled with strategies that help go to the root of the issue and help to erase the fear and inability to relax, and help create the necessary infrastructure feel safe , are particularly effective when working with the energies of this chakra.

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