fear and anxiety

Anxiety, Energy and the Root Chakra: An Overlooked Remedy

Anxiety, Energy and the Root Chakra:
In both professional and personal conversations I am hearing from so many people that their anxiety is off the charts! There is much to be stressed and anxious about in our world never mind our own issues that may be arising.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed and look for solutions outside… to want the outer world to change so we can feel safe and secure. This is understandable but it is not the most effective or powerful way to feelings of safety and security.
If we rely on outer changes then we remain powerless. And it leaves us reliant on that outer thing remaining the same which is probably not going to happen. Life is about change.

Another issue that we must consider when looking at how to heal ANY issue we have…we are body.mind and spirit therefore our solutions need to take that into account and not simply address one facet of our being. Energy approaches do just that.

Then there are those pesky personal issues that if we are to honest will only respond to our taking responsibility and seeing what we can do to resolve them. We may not have been responsible for the trigger or source of our anxiety but we are the only ones who can truly address it. We need to have the commitment to our own self care in the same way we would commit to caring for another that we love.

Anxiety, Energy and the Root Chakra: An Important Link
Years ago I found a solution that seemed like magic in so many circumstances—grounding. I had taken a workshop with Valerie Hunt and she spoke about the necessity of grounding…embodying ourselves if we were to truly feel safe, and grow psychologically and spiritually. At the time she was the only one of my teachers who had spoken about this. I found that using grounding techniques helped me with anxiety, and gave me a firm base from which to address many other issues…large and small!
You can read more about Valerie Hunt and her amazing research in my book Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras. Following is an excerpt that gives some of the background on why the root chakra is so important as the foundation of our physical, emotional and spiritual selves/world.

Anxiety, Energy and the Root Chakra: The Past of Present Triggers
“Trauma, family stress, and a lack of appropriate or “good enough” nurturing during the first few years of life can unbalance root chakra energies. These experiences occur before we have language or reason. As a result, we may carry anxieties and fears about issues of safety, belonging or abandonment that are hard to understand (and hard to remedy through talking). Addressing those issues through some form of energy work goes to where the problem lives and speaks in a language that is effective in facilitating healing.

Later in life imbalances in the root chakra can be triggered by losses or upsets; for example, loss of a person, job, or living situation. Even a small and seemingly insignificant loss can awaken the stored unprocessed feelings of an earlier time. Any change in life tends to reactivate this chakra and its encoded perceptions around safety, security, and belonging, but that is magnified if there are early unprocessed emotions.”

A search on this blog will bring you to many other posts on the root chakra and grounding.
This link will bring you to more information on the book quoted: https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/