Personal power is a vast inner resource that can guide, strengthen and support you. It can help you expand into your true Self. Your personal power, if attended to, can become a deep inner knowing within your innermost being on which you can rely to help you choose options that serve you and those around you in the best possible way.
Traditionally, our culture has had little awareness of or assigned little value to our inner landscape, let alone taught methods that would help us navigate and make sense of it. Consequently, we arrive in adulthood with layers of denial, confusion or distortion covering the inner promptings that would help us discover our deeper life purpose, our reason for being, or perhaps more aptly, our experience of being. Instead we feel disconnected, isolated, alienated, empty, or aimless, drifting through life.
Our essential nature is a wellspring that nourishes us with its life force. When we connect with this life-giving flow, it becomes a source of guidance and direction as well as a foundation of peace and joy. Without a relationship with our authentic self, life lacks passion and true vitality.
One of the ways we can identify our path is to note what inner urges we have and what kind of energy comes with them. If a choice has weak energy, it is probably not really yours. A new path may have some fear and trepidation with it, but it also contains excitement and the power necessary to move forward.
Listening to Your Soul
Here are some questions to help you enter the stream of consciousness necessary to hear your soul’s voice:
1. What do you feel passion for? What draws your attention? What do you deeply desire? ?
2. What dreams have you packed away? What longings have you silenced? ?
3. What do you notice that you are you drawn to?
4. What do you love spending time doing so much so that time disappears, you lose all thoughts about externals and self consciousness and are just present in the moment?
5. What activities feel easy just a nice effortless flow of energy for you? What feels natural to you? (You may have trained or become educated in this area, but there is a naturalness to it.)
6. What excites you? What opens and fills you with ease, joy, peace … a quickening that enlivens you?
7. Where are your challenges? What hooks you in the negative questioning, doubting, collapsing of your energies? ?
8. What blocks your free expression of the best qualities in you? What gets in the way of listening to that soft voice within?
Our intuition is a powerful ally in our search for our purpose. Our wisdom is within. You’ll find it underneath the chatter and baggage you have picked up along life’s journey in the form of other people’s beliefs and opinions.
Our focus on tools for clearing, balancing and strengthening the energy system comes from our conviction that it is essential to address this level of being in order to listen to our intuition and effectively engage universal energy in the creation of our lives.
Excerpt from 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery session 12, Step Forward, You are in Charge
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