burn out

Burn Out: 5 Questions That Can Eliminate Stress and Prevent Burnout

Burn Out: A Product of Modern Life?
It seems that we are all too busy these days! How this crazy busy buzzing that we live in came about is not altogether clear. It seemed to creep in somewhat gradually and so stayed below our radar. Nevertheless, we all can pretty much say now that we know what the phenomena is and how it feels.

Many people feel like they are slaves to a life they hate but cannot escape. At this point it may seem like it is unavoidable and necessary. That may or may not be true, but we will not know until we can see clearly beyond the feelings of frustration and overload. At the very least we need to find ways to deal with it to avoid burn out! In the process we may find that a clear perspective not only feels better, improves our health and well being, but it also allows us to see opportunities we did not see under the pressure of the stress response.

Busyness sets the Stage for Burn Out
Being busy in the ways we are these days insidiously takes control of our lives until it feels out of our hands. This busyness creates toxic stress, contributes to accidents and mistakes, as well as adding conflict to relationships and severely reducing the capacity for creativity or to relax and enjoy life. Perhaps if we look at the short time we have on this planet we could also say that the biggest harm comes from keeping one from what is really important.

Energy flows where attention goes. Attention and Intention are two of the biggest influences for how our life force is channeled and used.

One of the first steps to eliminate stress and prevent burn out is to define what most matters to you…what is really important. It is so easy to get caught up in activities that do not really matter to us and that do not really contribute to our personal or professional lives.

What is really important to you in each area of your life?

Where would you like your energy to flow more freely?

How would you like to feel each day? What if you took periodic one minute breaks and felt that through the day–like building an energy account?

What would it take for you to take back your intention and attention…come off autopilot and structure your life according to what is important to you?

What are some ways that you can think of to shift your attention and intention toward greater peace, ease and well-being?

Or are you too busy? 🙂


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