2 Hidden Effects of Meditation

Photo by Sonia's View
Photo by Sonia’s View

Whenever we are wishing for something to be different from what it is, we are energetically holding it in our lives.

Recently I wrote about the benefits of meditation of which there are many! In addition to the more obvious benefits, there are subtler dynamics which can  contribute to our health and well being on all levels. Two inner states that are specifically helpful to us whether we are talking about physical health, emotional well being, prosperity, or spiritual expansion are surrender and acceptance.

In our culture the word surrender is loaded with negative connotations, such as giving up, wimping out, being weak, unable to cut it. However, surrender in the context of healing, moving on, creating anew is quite different than that. It is a deep letting go of feelings of struggle and conflict: it is about accepting what is in the moment, not fighting it, accepting reality as it is now while being open to new information about what can be done to change or move beyond it.

To truly surrender means to let go of wanting, yearning, wishing, needing and directing. When we are in these states, our focus is on what we feel we don’t have. We are in a vibration of lack or scarcity. Sometimes we become stuck and even paralyzed by these feelings.

When our focus is on what is missing from our lives, we create more of what we feel we don’t have. We create more of what is missing. Acceptance is a feeling state that works hand in hand with surrender. Acceptance does not mean we condone negativity, meanness or cruelty. It means we can recognize reality as it is, but do not hold an inner fighting stance that is harmful to us.
Acceptance does not mean that something or someone is right or wrong. Acceptance is simply recognizing things just the way they are now. It’s allowing them to be without judgment. Judgments tear at our energy and does us much more harm than the person, place or thing that we are judging.
Developing an attitude of acceptance, acceptance of the way things ARE in the moment enables us to move beyond patterns of resistance and bring peace to our hearts.

Acceptance and surrender help to bring our hearts into coherence through the inner peace and calm they generates. As we rest in these feelings our energy settles down, and can begin to flow more freely in constructive ways.



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