We spoke about meditation and developing the Observer Self in our last two posts. As you practice meditation it can be helpful to note the different quality of energy present with thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. This somewhat automatically shifts you toward a heightened awareness and entry into the Observer Self space.
Types of Energy
Physical Energy This is the slowest moving energy, a lower vibration or frequency from our other energies. Our physical energy gives us the capacity for movement and sensation on the gross level. Without this vitality we would not be able to give expression to our other energies. Physical energy is necessary to bring the energy of thought and feeling, plans and ideas into external reality.
Meditation, Tai Chi and Yoga are all wonderful for enhancing physical energy.
Energy of Thought
Thoughts are fairly rapidly moving energy. They tend to be quick and scattered without having practiced some type of grounding. Some people have more natural grounding than others; however most of us have trouble with the mercurial nature of thoughts.
Meditation, visualization and imagery can help develop some degree of mastery on this level. Tai Chi, Chi Gong, walking mediation and Yoga also help bring some grounding and therefore peace to the mental layer of energy.
Energy of Emotion or Feeling
On the positive side, emotional energy can turbocharge our goals. Emotions add passion, power and magnetism. Negativity, incomplete emotional issues, subconscious beliefs or unprocessed experiences can drag us down and sabotage our desire for change and for good things to flow to us. The emotional realm is where we slay our dragons by kindly ushering them out the door or letting them shrink due to lack of attention.
Shadow work, meditation, Interactive Guided Imagery, and EFT are all productive approaches to balancing emotional energy.
Spiritual Energy Higher consciousness can be recognized as a sense of clarity, openness and spaciousness.
Meditation is the primary means of opening to higher levels of awareness and learning to hang out there! Engaging the heart in meditation as well as in daily life helps enormously to access this space.
Once you have a deeper familiarity with how these layers of energy, you are in a better position to develop what you need to bring clarity, balance and harmony to your whole self.
Each type of energy has an optimal use. What are you willing to try to bring more balance to your system? How can you use energy to implement your strengths and strengthen your weaker areas?
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