Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.” €“ John Updike
At times I have questioned my dreams and visions, wondering if they are “legitimate” pursuits or wool gathering! Then I came to realize that my dreams come from deep within me… from a soulful aspect that is uniquely me. Others do not dream my dreams, nor I theirs.
Our passion speaks to us through our dreams and visions. They are unique expressions of our souls longing to be birthed into this manifest reality.
What is your dream, your passion?
Are you listening deeply and remaining open to what your soul longs to help you with?
Are you making time for that very best of friends who travels your whole life with you?
Making time for the silence through which our soul speaks is one way we honor our soul, as well as how living energy works more easily…allowing us to enter the flow and embody it more fully. Taking time to be quiet, to ask questions, to remain open to answers from deeper wells of consciousness, makes space for your soul to show itself to you.
Be kind to yourself: open space for the full force of your uniqueness to flow through and join you in your dance with life.
Related articles
- Sayings on Dreams (from many sources) (whatidreamtlastnite.wordpress.com)
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