Who is Vulnerable to Energy Vampires?

Dollarphotoclub_44880052_1Do you find that you

Have a strong sensitivity to others’ feelings, moods, needs, or problems to the point of being overwhelmed by them

Are prone to excessive giving or people pleasing behavior

Have negative moods that overtake you but don’t seem to originate with you

Experience fatigue, exhaustion, anger, or resentment resulting from care taking where all energy goes out and nothing comes back

Often feel depression or feelings of heaviness or burden that are not really about you or your life

Often feel generalized anxiety, feelings of being edge, or a need to guard against danger for no real apparent reason

Other signs that your energy has been compromised are

Situations that show recurring patterns of negativity or lack of success—this can show up with finances, relationships, or working conditions

Weak boundaries allow your energy to drain away with the result that you do not have the available energy to bring to these areas of our lives

Unresolved emotions from your past result in energy leakage or leave openings for others to drain your energy away.

Recovering Wholeness
The good news is that is our energy supply, alignment and flow are all within our capacity to direct. We can heal and repair what is necessary so that our lives become nourishing, abundant and supportive.

You can learn simple, effective ways to no longer be vulnerable to drains or attacks on your energy. Knowing how to manage your energy returns ease, peace and joy to your inner world at the same time that it keeps you strong and free from drain and depletion.

Steps to freedom include:

  • Recognizing the flow of subtle energy in yourself and your environment
  • Becoming aware of when you are being vampirized
  • Solutions for keeping your energy strong
  • Techniques to help you be in charge and maintain your energy
  • Specific strategies to help protect your vitality and peace of mind

Our recording Protecting Yourself from Energy Vampires includes all these steps and more. Click here to learn more: http://bit.ly/1NukY2d