
What is the Relationship of Subtle Energy, Resistance and Your Life?

Resistance: An Attitude and an Energy Block
Years ago when I first heard the phrase, Resist Nothing, it made sense to me on a level where I could use it to consciously release tension but at that time I really did not understand the relationship between resistance and our subtle energy, how it flows through us and the world.

An image that became helpful to me was that of a huge beautiful dueling oak tree in the midst of a field. It had great strong roots that plunged deep into the earth while its branches reached high toward the sky. Summer breezes and winter storms can pass through such a tree’s leaves and branches without much permanent harm. There is no resistance or clinging. The tree simply stands and adjusts to the shifting circumstances assuring its continued survival, growth and nurture.

Let Go of Resistance to Manage Stress and Energy Levels
What does this have to do with us? We are an energetic organism with an energy field that is meant to be strong, vibrant and free flowing. However when the breezes and storms of life come by, our energetic tendency is to contract, to resist rather than maintain a constant openness that would maintain our vibrancy and flow. We tend to react to external and internal (thoughts/feelings/beliefs) events by closing, pushing against or stopping our energy. This is a survival mechanism of course, but that does not mean it is the best choice! It can be helpful in some circumstances but the problem arises in that we do not reverse the contraction once a stressor passes and our reaction tends to become a preference in how we manage our energy. When we react with any of the aforementioned dynamics we compromise our energy and therefore our health, happiness and attractor power!

We can also interrupt healthy energy flows around positive events if we adopt a holding on or clinging stance in order to continue to feel and have the good stuff! Of course we want the good to continue but keeping our energy open, strong and moving is the way to influence that not holding on.

Releasing Resistance to Maintain Energy to Thrive
So the mandate to “Resist Nothing” can be a deep instruction for how to maintain our energy field in a state that truly serves us. Just as a tree responds and adjusts by letting so much flow through its leaves and branches so may we in order to not only survive but to thrive.

To “Resist Nothing” takes practice, an ability to focus and attend, to relax body and mind at will but in the long run is one of the best investments we can ever make to be our best selves and live our best lives.


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