What Does Co-Dependent Energy “Look Like”?

tower black stone and hibiscus with bamboo on the waterRelationships and Distortions in Heart Energy
One common manifestation of unbalanced heart chakra energies is the codependent relationship. Codependency is a term used to describe a relationship between people where boundaries are blurred and there is an expectation that the other will “make them whole” or provide what was “lost” at an earlier stage of life or what is missing now in life or in oneself.

Instead of looking within at a wounded part of oneself and healing it, codependents search externally for the answer to their pain and healing. This circumvents development of a whole, healthy sense of self and a real ability to function freely in the world. The reasons for codependency vary, are typically unconscious, and generally are rooted in deep beliefs and family legacies. Until recently, codependency was a typical relationship pattern in our western world.
Problem beliefs and family legacies that help to create codependent patterns are registered mostly in the lower three chakras and are associated with the ego and shadow material. Imbalances in these chakras influence the upward flow of energy to the heart chakra and affect its healthy functioning. The belief pages in the first section of this e-book can help you discover your beliefs. In addition there are worksheets at the end of this section that can help uncover beliefs that are particularly relevant to relationships.
As we work to clear, ground, and balance our personal energy we can transcend the ego’s vibrations. When we clear and balance our lower energy centers we are better able to settle into the heart chakra and cultivate deep inner peace, presence, and the capacity for unconditional love. In the heart we can surrender to the vast and expansive inner silence. Here judgment is absent and deep compassion, empathy; care, kindness, and forgiveness for yourself and others become realities.

A loving heart is not something that we cognitively decide to have.
A truly loving heart is a state of being that develops through awareness, consciousness, focused learning, honest self-evaluation, and commitment.