Ultimate Stress Management: Releasing Fear

Autumn Tree in Vermont IMG_3168The dictionary defines fear as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain….real or imagined”.
None of us probably need fear defined for us; we know only too well what fear is! What we may be less well aware of are its many faces, how it sabotages our lives and how to really resolve or release.

Faces of Fear
 Panic, terror, phobias and dread are easily recognizable forms of fear but there are other types that may not be fully recognized or pushed to the side of awareness or shoved all the was to the backs of our minds.  Chronic anxiety, a vague sense of foreboding/waiting for the other shoe to drop, self-doubt and an inner sense of shaking or insecurity are some of the faces fear wears.

Energetically any form of fear constricts us, makes us feel small, weak and not up to managing our lives or facing challenges that arise. If we are aware of the many ways fear shows up, we are better able to deal with it effectively. In addition to recognizing the ways fear can show up, it is also helpful to be aware of the triggers for fear and our defensive responses—the ways that we try to override fear—these may be the things that we notice first before we are even able to identify the specific fears that we hold deeper inside. We need to be aware of all of it in order to free ourselves and make room for more ease, peace and joy.

Fear Triggers
In our society, the media and advertising play to our fears.   Just listen to the news or watch commercials or read magazine ads.  Most ads play right into our fears … our fear of catching the flu, or fear of aging, our fear of not measuring up or being beautiful enough, our fear that others know better about what to do than we do ourselves, fear of not having “enough ___” … and much more.
It seems the sources of triggers for our fears are limitless. World events can play into it almost endlessly: fear of terrorism, swine/bird flu, Ebola, job loss, losing your home, not having enough money, losing your retirement savings and more.

 Fear is contagious, limits our growth and often stops us in our tracks.

 There is no question that some of our fears are legitimate. The problem however is that fear triggers responses that usually are not helpful unless we are in some physical danger that requires the kind of energy it activates in the fields of our body, mind and spirit. If we can learn more about fear and how it manifests within us and our lives we are in a better position to eliminate or reroute it so we can have the courage strength and capacity to rise to our challenges.

 How does fear show up in your life? What are your triggers? What kinds of signs do you get that alert you to fear?

 Next Post: How Do You Manifest Fear?

Our downloadable recording of Letting Go: The Heart of Healing includes information and techniques that help facilitate releasing fear, grief and other blocks to health, wealth and happiness! Click here to learn more: http://bit.ly/ZGmKcY