Tools for When Motivation Falters!

novemberNewsletter_49960862What drives motivation? It is fundamentally a matter of energy. When we have passion and desire for a goal or task we tap into a stream of energy that feels motivating. We come into alignment with it. When we are not truly in alignment with it we lack passion and our will caves in pretty quickly.

When we decide to bring about a change in our lives, set new goals or New Year Resolutions we often do not explore beyond our initial thought about how nice it would be to have that new thing or state in our lives.

So looking a bit beneath the surface we can ask…
What limits our motivation?
What derails us?
What gets us off track?

It could be…
You didn’t want to do it in the first place.
The goal was someone else’s for you.
It’s your goal but you didn’t really believe it could happen.
You didn’t believe you had what it takes to succeed with your goal.
It feels scary to achieve your goal, for you or others in your life.
Someone else could be disturbed in some way if you achieved your goal.
There’s fear about how people, places or things would change if you reached your goal.

So what can help to sustain motivation?
Go back to the start and make sure the goal is really yours.
Check in with yourself about whether you really want to put in the time and effort—is this really a priority with you?
Is this the right time for you to tackle this goal?
Does it make sense at this time in your life?
What kind of support network needs to be in place for you –to help you?
Where do you harbor doubts about the goal?
What’s you inner image like around this goal? How does it all feel?

Tools that can be helpful
Your desire has to be there —be clear and honest with your self

Visualization: hold awareness of the end result, how does it feel to you? How is it for the others in your life? What does it mean for you and them in your life? How does the change feel at the end, and with the steps along the way.

Recognize your patterns of resistance—get out of your own way: you may question yourself every time you go to start; you may procrastinate; hear that voice in your head (negative thoughts); rely on others opinions instead of your own.

Meditation can help quiet the mind—
Look at self talk and change it to positive
Focus more on your “Yes” (the benefits of your goal) than your “No” (the difficulty involved)

Imagery—use it to offset the negative images —choose new felt images: for your strength, achievement, ability. Remember times when you did succeed at something. Get in touch with those feelings and feel them attached to the new goal—to your ability to proceed on the path.

Reward yourself for small steps. Break your goal into smaller segments and make it achievable. Your confidence will grow with each achievement and fuel your forward movement.

Gratitude journal helps build positive strong energy

A lack of motivation signals a disturbance in your energy field—you are losing your inner power/energy somehow and not having enough of it to bring to the change you wish to manifest. So energy work can help keep your resources strong and available to you.

Our program 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery is a holistic approach that provides you with tools to shift your energy, flow with change and incorporate new strength and ability to achieve your goals and aspirations.

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