subtle energy

Tips for Improving Your Energy

Subtle Energy Management is at the base of emotional intelligence, health  and well being

Chinese and Indian Medicine have always taken the state of subtle energy body into account when designing a treatment plan for a person because the state of this energy field is believed to be the template upon which the rest of the body-mind’s functions rely.

These invisible energies shape the way we think and feel. In turn disruptions in the flow of energy through our systems affect our thoughts and feelings.

In addition to using energy medicine we can learn to strengthen and build our energy throughout our day….a kind of energetic hygiene.

Energy is the common language of body, mind and soul.

Our energy is our power.

The body already understands the language of energy, we need to create greater conscious awareness and develop the skills to effectively manage it for it to function optimally.

Vocabulary of Energy: wave lengths, rates of vibrations, patterns of pulsations—patterns throughout body and mind can be orchestrated to write your own symphony through conscious awareness and integrating energetic approaches.

When we allow others to control us, or when we attempt to control them or when we cannot forgive, or when we focus more on others needs and sacrifice our own….we are giving our power away.

Where we place your energy determines the quality of our lives. When we give our power away we are mismanaging your energy.

We are continually bringing energy into our bodies. We pattern it through our thoughts which create emotions.

Where our attention goes—energy flows…so if you are still angry with someone and ruminate over it…you are in effect sending your energy to them and away from you

You are dissipating energy that could be used for your life

Fear is a major energy drain. In turn depleted energy sets the stage for experiencing anxiety, fear and depression.

We are managing our energy all the time. We are generally not conscious of the effects we are producing. Our energy doesn’t need us to flow BUT it can be improved in quality, quantity and coherence through awareness and intention

We can learn to manage our energy to improve vitality, heal our body, enliven a tried mind, revive a weary spirit, develop greater resiliency to stress, reduce anxiety, alleviate depression and help boost body’s healing responses. The known side effects are becoming happier, healthier and more in charge of our lives.