Three Tips to Access the Power of Your Words

rustyRemember The Old Saying?
If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything!
It does have a deep profound truth to it.
Sometimes we create a destiny that we were never destined for.

Our words have such an impact on our lives. We forget that to our subconscious everything is imprinting as reality. How many aches and pains do you describe when asked How are you doing? How dreary is the picture your words paint about your job. We have such a potential of greatness inside each and every one of us. We stain our life’s canvas with negative comments that are imprinted in our past. If you have learned to let go of those negative beliefs then you truly are on the right path. It’s only when we Let Go of those past stagnant beliefs blocking us that we are able to live that magnificent life were really destined to live.

Here’s something I started with.
1.Take time to listen to the words and language you use in your day. You’ll be surprised at what’s coming out without you knowing it.
2. See how many negative adjectives you use.
3. Take charge of what you send out and you’ll begin to notice a difference with what comes back.

If you want a great way to really understand negative verbal and emotional patterns AND have simple enjoyable methods to help you to release them, visit our store at and check out Letting Go, The Heart Of Healing

Tony Pace