Meditation is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It helps improve our physical health, reduces stress, builds concentration and confidence, brings coherence to our energy bodies and opens us up to creativity, intuition and spiritual experience.
When I first learned about meditation I thought that the goal was to empty your mind bring it to silence. This I thankfully came to learn was not only very difficult but also an attitude/belief that assured frustration and feelings of failure. So when I came upon the information that there were many ways to meditate and that the goal was to become immersed in the present moment become singly focused it began a process of setting me free and helping me to LOVE to meditate rather than dreading it as a rigid discipline.
The thing that helped deepen and ease my practice was to learn to withdraw my attention from thoughts, feelings and sensations rather than trying to stifle them. Gently letting them all be but paying them no mind as I let my awareness rest elsewhere gradually helped to dissolve a state of conflict within that spilled over to other parts of my life.
The third thing that really helped me was to move into that place of Awareness VS the ego mind to recognize the difference between my busy, conflicted and non-stop mind and the quiet spaciousness of Awareness. Dwelling in Awareness actually opens us up to the silence we seek, but it does so as a result of sitting and practicing in a receptive way. That receptivity is not to be confused with passivity. I experience it as a very active intention that invites grace, silence and presence to take up resonance within me.
What are your greatest challenges with meditation? Have you found any tools or tips that help you move past the challenges? We all learn from each other constantly and in ways that we can’t necessarily anticipate, so feel free to post what has helped you. And you may also post questions re: challenges we never know where our answers may come from others may have faced the same dilemma and come up with just the right answer for you!
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