third chakra

Third Chakra: Personal Power and Freedom from Stress and Guilt

The third chakra (located at the solar plexus) is the energy center that holds the vibrations associated with issues of personal power self esteem and guilt. it is also the chakra holding the possibility of feeling an inner sense of happiness.

As we grow and develop the energies of the 1st and 2cd chakras move up through the third chakra, the Solar Plexus, to bring that area of life online. If the lower chakra energies are strong and healthy then they move smoothly through to the upper chakras and bring the possibility of the free expression of their best qualities. Unfortunately strong healthy flow upward is often not the case as we all grew in imperfect environments and typically have issues to work out within our systems.

Our human spiritual journey requires awakening our consciousness and bringing it to the wrinkles in the fabric of our lives so we can live more freely from our authentic selves.  Understanding each of the chakras and how they operate is a very effective way of releasing our blocks and ironing out the wrinkles!  The third chakra is a center that can help with knowing about our personal power, self esteem and freedom from guilt.

Third Chakra Location, Early Development and Organ Association
The third chakra is located in the solar plexus between the bottom ribs and belly button. This chakra develops between 8 and 12 years old.
The solar plexus governs the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and adrenal glands. The element associated with  this center is fire.
Physically imbalance here often includes digestive complaints, disturbances in blood sugar, and food intolerance.

Physical and Emotional Functions
The solar plexus is responsible for helping to digest and transform our food, it performs a similar function for life experience.
Healthy energy in the third chakra provides the ability to act, to adjust and to change. Therefore it is a major player in the capacity to change yourself and your situation in life.
The root and sacral chakras are about physical and emotional energy and survival at those levels. In the third chakra we begin to look at transformation and the potential to bring change and growth to ourselves and our world.

Qualities and Characteristics
Psychologically our sense of self, our personal integrity, esteem and worth rests in the solar plexus. This center influences the capacity to set strong, firm yet flexible boundaries. The lower centers set the stage for boundary keeping but it is the third chakra that holds the capacity to set those boundaries in the world.

Optimal Flow
When the energy of this chakra flows smoothly and is balanced there is inner confidence and vitality a person has an awareness of their uniqueness and value consequently people tend to respect their integrity and respond to their energy. A healthy third chakras sets the stage for the capacity for spontaneity, openness and loving. This capacity provides for a healthy flow upward to the heart so it’s qualities can develop on firm ground.

With channels open to the lower chakras from the solar plexus there is a sense of being grounded and an ability to go with the flow. A strong third chakra produces a sense of personal worth that helps to avoid excess and to respect boundaries. For instance, a person has the capacity for enjoying a challenge without becoming a workaholic.


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