Tag: Universe
Energy Vibration: Thought and Feeling–What You Aren’t Conscious of Hurts
Dr. Tiller has contributed much to our understanding of the unseen forces in our universe and our relationship to it all. Two of the most important pieces he has added to the puzzle of reality formation are: 1. The most effective results occur when intention is combined with coherence. 2. We need to develop our…
Do You Really Want to Give Your Ego the Boot?
At some point on our spiritual journey we begin to really question how to differentiate between ego and our spiritual nature. All of our aspects are deeply entwined and our ego can be quite tricky, so it is helpful to have some awareness of how each shows up in our lives.
Authentic Self, Intuition and Energy Awareness
Understanding our energetic nature and its relationship to our wounds, strengths, lower and higher nature brings us beyond the world of concepts to the world of true co-creation and realizing our highest aspiration.
Emotions are Energy and Information
Emotions are Energy and Information Managing emotions in a healthy way keeps you energized, in touch with deeper aspects of self and connects you to your life!