Tag: Swadhisthana
How Does Emotional Intelligence Ease Stress and Change?
Balancing the sacral chakra allows emotion to freely move through our systems. Just as flowing water is purifying, refreshing and revitalizing so it is with feelings set in motion without resistance but also with proper channeling. When the energy here is open, flowing and balanced we are responsive, intuitive, buoyant, and full of dreams and…
Solar Plexus Chakra, Energy and Power…Too Much or Too Little?
In general, imbalances in the solar plexus can lead to a need to manipulate and control others. The means can differ depending on the type of imbalance.[caption id="attachment_14659" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How Can Our Energy Systems Help to Cope with Personal and Societal Change ?
As we navigate times of change (that would be life!), it is helpful to know which of our core issues may be being triggered and in need of balancing/healing. The following chart gives you an idea of which issues reside in which energy center.
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Secret to Personal Power
Cultivate positive Solar Plexus Energy to develop strength of an Uncommon Kind
How Does the Third Chakra Affect Transformation, Self Empowerment and Change?
Third Chakra and Transformation, Self Empowerment and Change All of our chakras are affected by change. However the third chakra is particularly important when it comes to times of transition. The vibration embodied in the third chakra will determine how we feel about our ability to both effect and respond to change in our world.…
Energetic Intelligence, Change and Your Unconscious Mind
It is more than obvious that our world is going through a major upheaval that is touching every aspect of our lives. For some time now we have witnessed crises, breakdown of old systems and revolutionary thoughts, feelings and in some places chaotic action. As difficult as it is to move through a time like…