Tag: Support group
How Personal Power Helps to Let Go and Move Forward
Personal Power Unblocked Through Grief There are all sorts of reasons why personal power is difficult to source. Grief can be one way that our energy (our power) is blocked and therefore inaccessible. It is important for all of us to become introspective and assess where we stand vis a vis personal power and grief,…
Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy: 4 Tools for Change
Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Competency are Central to Stress Responses Stress reduction and subtle energy competency begin with taking a look at our habitual patterns. We all have patterns that affect how we respond to stress and deplete our energy. These patterns are usually learned ways of protecting or defending ourselves,or ways we have…
Self Care: The Forgotten Commandment
Mother’s Day just passed and with it came the awareness of all that mothers do taking care of their families. But there are many caregivers who are not necessarily mothers that have similar demands in life and so are just as vulnerable to the stress accompanying that role. [caption id="attachment_13000" align="alignleft" width="400"] Love Locks by…
Energy, Stress Reduction and Healthy Anger
Defining the issue: Do you ever notice that your anger seems out of bounds for the current situation? If you find yourself in such a situation, it can be helpful to ask yourself if this anger has roots in an earlier life situation. Do you remember a time in the past when you first felt…