Tag: subtle energy

  • How Does Understanding Your Energy Help?

    How Does Understanding Your Energy Help?

    Stress, inner wounds, fear and boundaries have energetic realityWhen we talk about stress, inner wounds, fear and boundaries we tend to speak about them as if they do not have any tangible reality. Understanding the relationship of energy to our body-mind and environment coupled with energetic approaches can help us influence and improve every aspect…

  • How Can Personal Energy Management Help You?

    How Can Personal Energy Management Help You?

    Simply put, using an energetic approach in our lives facilitates movement from where we are to where we want to go! It matters not if your goal is better health, improved relationships, greater satisfaction in your work life, a deeper feeling of purpose and meaning, enhanced intuition or spiritual connection, an energetic approach can help.…

  • Workshop for Empaths Jan 23rd, 2019

    Workshop for Empaths Jan 23rd, 2019

    “Sensitivity is judged, feared and under parented in our culture.” Lee Harris Are You an Energy Sensitive or Empath? Would you like to:  Have more energy? Experience less fatigue? Protect yourself from energy drains? Know how to move from the wound of sensitivity to the gift? In this 3 hour workshop you will learn:How to sense…

  • How Does Sensing Subtle Energy Increase Health and Happiness?

    How Does Sensing Subtle Energy Increase Health and Happiness?

    Sensing Subtle Energy is Natural  We all sense subtle energy, although we may not always realize it. Some people are gifted with this ability from birth, but the truth is we all possess this capacity and can develop it with increased awareness and a bit of practice. The majority of us do not see subtle…

  • Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy: 4 Tools for  Change

    Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy: 4 Tools for Change

    Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Competency are Central to Stress Responses Stress reduction and subtle energy competency begin with taking a look at our habitual patterns. We all have patterns that affect how we respond to stress and deplete our energy. These patterns are usually learned ways of protecting or defending ourselves,or ways we have…

  • Consciously managing subtle energy brings peace to chaos

    Consciously managing subtle energy brings peace to chaos

    Consciously managing subtle energy is managing your power. It is the vehicle for bringing thoughts into form, ideas into reality. Consciously managing subtle energy is a powerful way to effectively reduce stress, enhance health, manifest dreams, and experience inner peace.  Being in touch with your subtle energy is the deepest way you can know yourself,…