Tag: subtle energy

  • Eliminating Power Struggles

    Eliminating Power Struggles

    Our power struggles come in many forms. If we begin to look at interchanges in terms of energy, they not only make more sense, but we then also have some simple and helpful options that take us out of conflict and help to reduce stress and create more ease, peace and happiness for ourselves and…

  • Energy Drains: What You Need to Know

    Energy Drains: What You Need to Know

    Empaths are especially vulnerable to energy drains.  It is important for everyone to be conscious about energy management and  energy drains, but it is especially crucial for an empaths’ health and well-being. Here are some key concepts that form a firm foundation for energy management from our recorded program on How to Protect Yourself from…

  • Identifying Blocks and Balancing Throat Chakra Energy

    Identifying Blocks and Balancing Throat Chakra Energy

    Signs of Impairment of Throat Chakra When our Throat Chakra energy is impaired we may not honestly articulate our truth, or do so in a half hearted way. There may also be a tendency to put up a brave front and not speak about inner hurt, pain or turmoil. Obviously this stymies communication, but it…

  • Brow Chakra, Inner Vision, Memory and Intuition

    Brow Chakra, Inner Vision, Memory and Intuition

    Excerpt from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/ BROW CHAKRA The brow chakra is often referred to as the third eye. It is located in the space between and a bit above the eyes. This center is the last place where the three major energy channels — the right, left,…

  • 4 Tips for Using Intuition to Make Decisions

    4 Tips for Using Intuition to Make Decisions

    Our intuition can be experienced through our energy system and can be a great help in the support when making decisions.  Here are some thoughts re: how to use intuition effectively. ★As you open to Universal Energies, intuition can give you the motivation to begin or to follow through with your goals, dreams and desires.…

  • 12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery now available download/Reduced Rate!

    12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery now available download/Reduced Rate!

    12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery combines timeless philosophy, quantum theory and neuroscience to provide you with a comprehensive approach to energy and mind mastery skills. These skills provide you with effective ways to manage stress, rise to challenges from strength and create greater ease, peace and fulfillment.  Each session highlights a specific concept and explores…