Tag: Stress
The Human Aura: Your Primary Immune System, Science and Vibration
Human Aura as Immune System It is not far fetched to think about our energy system as our primary immunity when we consider that we first interact with subtle energy in our environment through our energy fields. Many people are naturally sensitive to energy, but they don’t understand what it is they are experiencing, or…
Energy Block: A Cause of Stress, Poor Health and Life Imbalances
Blockages, deficiencies or excesses can occur in any one of the chakras and stop the smooth flow in and out, or up and down throughout the body. If this situation becomes chronic, eventually an illness results in a related part of the body. There are three basic types of energy disruption.
Root Chakra: Foundation of Health, Manifestation, Prosperity and Love
This chakra may not be as exciting or glamorous as other chakras that rule Self Empowerment, Love, Intuition etc., BUT it is the foundation of all the other chakras and without it there are issues with the development of the other chakras. For instance, without a healthy Root Chakra self empowerment is skewed, intuition becomes…
Low Energy: A Simple Strategy to Reboot Sagging Vitality
Low Energy Has Many Invisible Causes Our energy rises and falls, expands and contracts in an ongoing dynamic and vital way. The stimuli for this ongoing dance of energy are many and varied: interaction with our environment, people, events, the weather, the movement of the planets AND our habitual thoughts/feelings and unprocessed life experience. All…
Stress Reduction and Stress Management: Five New Strategies
This article discusses how to deal with necessary and unnecessary stress.
How Do Disruptions of Energy Flow Impact the Ability to Flourish?
Disruptions of Energy Flow and How They Occur As mentioned previously, when we are stressed or threatened, our energy flow is increased to prepare for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results…