Tag: stress management
Energy, Emotion and Healing
A major part of healing is simply connecting with the stuck places within and unblocking the energy that has been stagnant or frozen there—releasing it to flow and nourishing our life and inner being.
Emotions are Energy and Information
Emotions are Energy and Information Managing emotions in a healthy way keeps you energized, in touch with deeper aspects of self and connects you to your life!
Work Less, Stress Less…Save the Economy?
Great article on the benefits of working less and living more…perhaps a challenge, but one that appears to be possible if we tap our latent creativity! What would it take for you to implement such changes?
Removing Blocks to Energy Flow
From The Daily Om: “As vehicles for our mind and spirit, our bodies require proper maintenance. Caring for ourselves is like polishing–helping to clear away the accumulation of physical debris that keeps us from operating at our fullest capacity. A simple shift in our thoughts can positively affect our mental state, moving from complaints to…
CareGiver Corner Program – Staying Calm During Chaos and Crazy Times
Tues., October 4th radio program Listen to internet radio with CAREGIVER CORNER on Blog Talk Radio