Tag: Self Care
A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Reboot Energy
Our energy system has a direct influence on our mind, body and spirit. It impacts our health, our moods, our outlook on life and much more. Without learning a whole system of healing there are many things we can do on a daily basis to improve the flow, coherence and functioning of our energy system.
What does it mean to grow in consciousness?
Over the years I have tracked his work and found it to be fascinating, thought provoking, as well as especially helpful in understanding our psycho-spiritual development and integration, in addition to consciousness, spirituality and the universe.
Grief and Self Care for the Holidays and Beyond: 7 Tips for Moving Beyond Grief
It may seem strange to include a post about grief during Christmas week, but I think in particular this year we must honor the losses of this year even as we celebrate the holiday. Having a balance where we have space for both grief and joy brings us into a more authentic experience of life.…
7 Important Tips for Empaths to Protect Your Subtle Energy
Empaths are especially vulnerable to energy drains. It is important for everyone to be conscious about energy management and energy drains, but it is especially crucial for an empaths’ health and well-being. Here are some key concepts that form a firm foundation for energy management from our recorded program on How to Protect Yourself from…
Expanding Consciousness: How Can We Overcome Negative Reactivity?
Expanding Consciousness: Areas of Challenge One way that has been useful for me to expand my awareness of what needs to be released is to notice the things in my day that trigger fear, willfulness or insistence on one way of doing things. It has also been helpful to observe where I may feel (or…
Gratitude: How to Improve Heart and Brain Health and FEEL Good!
Practicing feeling gratitude opens the deepest doors of your heart so a deeper resonance can emerge, rippling out to touch every facet of your existence. [caption id="attachment_13894" align="alignleft" width="320"] Pumpkin Harvest by Sonia’s View[/caption]