Tag: Self Care
How Does Emotional Intelligence Ease Stress and Change?
Balancing the sacral chakra allows emotion to freely move through our systems. Just as flowing water is purifying, refreshing and revitalizing so it is with feelings set in motion without resistance but also with proper channeling. When the energy here is open, flowing and balanced we are responsive, intuitive, buoyant, and full of dreams and…
Can the Right Question Help to Improve Emotional Intelligence?
How we inquire about our feelings and inherent qualities may make the difference to the type of information we receive.
Moving From Empathy to Compassion
Compassion fatigue has become a familiar phrase over this past year. The following excerpt notes the difference between empathy and compassion which points us in the direction of being able to connect with others in healthy ways that help both parties with no negative effects. The link to the whole article is at the bottom…
Solar Plexus Chakra, Energy and Power…Too Much or Too Little?
In general, imbalances in the solar plexus can lead to a need to manipulate and control others. The means can differ depending on the type of imbalance.[caption id="attachment_14659" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
5 Tips to Reduce Stress and Boost Vitality: Managing Your Energy for Well Being
Your energy system has a direct influence on your mind, body and spirit. It impacts your health, your moods, your outlook on life and much more. By setting up an “energetic framework” at the start of the day and then tuning into your personal energy level throughout the day you will feel better and begin…