Tag: Self
Gratitude and Appreciation Positively Influence Health of Mind, Body and Spirit
Gratitude and Appreciation: Include Them in Holiday Planning! At this time of the year we begin to turn our attention to the upcoming holidays and all that they mean. Of course there is the busyness, shopping and increased social commitments. But there is also a deeper current that flows through this time of year. It…
Self Love: Five Steps to Being Your Own Best Friend
While the concept of being your own best friend, or having self love, acceptance and compassion is a simple one, it is often hard to know what to do to begin to make that shift. Here are five ways that can help.
Authentic Self, Energy, and Personal Power
Authentic self is the real you –unencumbered by fear, outmoded scripts and heavy burdens … the authentic self lives in flow with purpose, passion, creativity, harmony, and balance. The process of uncovering our authentic self requires healing of past wounds and embracing our inner power. This has been referred to as the path of the spiritual…
Mindful Stress Reduction: Four Concepts to Build Resiliency
Recognizing that when you experience regret or when you judge others, you are blocking your energy, weakening it so you do not have it present to bring to the expression of your full potential. It is important to attend to the underlying issues that those negative processes spring from for true clarity to emerge in…
The Source of Personal Power and the Benefit of Connection
Our essential nature is a wellspring that nourishes us with its life force. When we connect with this life-giving flow of energy, it becomes a source of health, guidance and direction as well as a foundation of peace and joy.
Self Awareness as a Path to Happiness, Success in Work and Love
It has often been said that “knowledge is power,” and nowhere is that truer than when we are speaking about ourselves and the lives we create. Self-knowledge includes understanding how we work as human beings as well as how we have personally operated up until now to construct our lives.