Tag: Religion and Spirituality
Discover Uncommon Support, Inspiration and Guidance
Connecting with your spiritual energy brings guidance, inspiration and support for living well.
Lighten Up: A Sign of the Times
[singlepic id=100 w=320 h=240 float=left]It is time to lighten up. The unprecedented changes that are affecting every level of society are also being felt by each one of us at the individual level. One way this is manifesting is through a deep need to let go of what we may have once loved in order…
Energy Awareness: Carolyn Myss on the Chakras
Energy work is about learning to listen to our body and mind in a new way, one that helps us to create health and happiness from the inside out!
Meditation for Pain ?
New research is documenting that even beginners with brief instruction in meditation can reduce/eliminate pain with meditation.