Tag: Relationships
Energy, Stress Reduction and Healthy Anger
Defining the issue: Do you ever notice that your anger seems out of bounds for the current situation? If you find yourself in such a situation, it can be helpful to ask yourself if this anger has roots in an earlier life situation. Do you remember a time in the past when you first felt…
Which Choice Will You Live Today?
Which world will you live in today? The one that tempts you to enter and create through negative thoughts, fear and doubt or the one that quietly beckons you toward peace, love, happiness and joy?
The Energy of Joy: Powerful Antidote to Stress
Joy helps build our inner resiliency. If we are feeling joy we are NOT feeling stress. Joy is not denial of reality….it is can be a choice….a muscle we exercise….
Lighten Up: A Sign of the Times
[singlepic id=100 w=320 h=240 float=left]It is time to lighten up. The unprecedented changes that are affecting every level of society are also being felt by each one of us at the individual level. One way this is manifesting is through a deep need to let go of what we may have once loved in order…