Tag: power of mind
Anger, Stress and Your Heart: Knowledge Shifts Toxic Effects
This post discusses the energetic effects of anger on the heart and Heart Chakra
6 Questions to Assess Personal Power
Here are some questions that can help you assess where you are re: personal power–I find them helpful reminders to keep my on the path as well.
Personal Power…a Center for All Experience: Grief, Loss, Living and Loving
The term personal power means different things to different people. Here is a list that touches deeply into the notion of personal power beyond ordinary thought.
How Acceptance Can Reduce Stress for Caregivers
If we can truly open to a sense of acceptance we can remain engaged in life without uselessly forcing our own agenda. Instead of using precious energy to resist or fight in vain, we remain open to many more possible and potent outcomes. It is truly amazing to watch what happens when you truly embrace…
Do You Have Energy Blockages and Excess or Deficiency of Energy?
In addition, we can have an abundance of one type of energy but be deficient in another. My experience with clients is that often a person will believe that they are a “high energy” person when in fact what is going on is that they are strongly identified with that part of themselves and not…