Tag: power of mind
Interview with Greg Braden and Bruce Lipton on Belief and Change
An excellent interview speaking about our current world situation, healing, the power of our minds and unconscious programming of belief.
Hidden Drains of Your Energy and Vitality
/>Beliefs and old memories form habitual patterns of thought that produce strong emotions which resonate intensely through the energy field. What you think about and feel affects the patterns your energy will take.
Aura Video Imaging Showing the Chakras in Action
In the last post we spoke about the chakra and aura and how they influence well being. This video presents a visual to see a well balanced aura with fluidity, complexity and flexibility. Not all auras are so well-balanced or responsive to a person’s “management”. This person had considerable experience with energy work and a…
How to Strengthen Your Intuition
What is intuition? We talk about it, even use it, but do we really understand it and even more important, how do we develop and make the best use of it?
Feng Shui for Your Mind
Feng Shui has become a very popular tool for working with the energy of homes and offices. One of the key principles in Feng Shui is de-cluttering to open blocked energy. The same principle can apply to our minds! [caption id="attachment_13104" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]