Tag: Pineal gland
How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety in times of Uncertainty
The discovery that it is necessary to have methods to transform knowledge into inner knowing, a felt experience that shifts our default patterns, was a doorway to freedom for me.
How Can Our Energy Systems Help to Cope with Personal and Societal Change ?
As we navigate times of change (that would be life!), it is helpful to know which of our core issues may be being triggered and in need of balancing/healing. The following chart gives you an idea of which issues reside in which energy center.
Chakra Health, Stress and Well-Being
Chakra Health is Related to Mental, Emotional and Physical Function A foundation of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology as well as of the ancient health traditions of the East is the concept that the strength, flow and frequencies of your energy system influence your mental, emotional and physical states with chronic negative patterns resulting in…