Tag: Philosophy
The Chakra System is a Map of Consciousness
In this brief video Anodea Judith succinctly presents the relationship between the chakras, our issues and lives, as well as how individual change ripples out into he world.
A Midwife to the Dying–from On Being (American Public Media)
Below is a link to an interview from the program On Being. Beneath that is a poem contained in the interview which weaves together many of the themes discussed in the interview. The interview is not just about dying and the state of affairs around that in our western world, it is as much about…
Authentic Self, Intuition and Energy Awareness
Understanding our energetic nature and its relationship to our wounds, strengths, lower and higher nature brings us beyond the world of concepts to the world of true co-creation and realizing our highest aspiration.
Deepak Chopra Discusses the Brain as a Quantum Device!
This quote is from a fascinating article by Deepak Chopra that discusses the brain, reality, perception and the cosmos.
3 Effective Methods to Remove Blocks to Clear Perception
One of the most powerful ways of engaging this process is to consider the question of WHO is doing the choosing€¦.who is holding a particular perception or viewpoint. We are all the product of so many influences and as a result have multiple sub personalities living inside us.
Living at the Edge…Path, Presence, Self and Awareness
This video with David Whyte is 19 minutes long…it is full of so many rich perspectives on being in touch with the energy of all around us–how we are in conversation with it all…on path, presence, self, power, consciousness….living at the edge of reality.