Tag: Philosophy

  • Meditation Motivation

    This 12 minute video is a wonderfully clear, simple, straightforward presentation of the effects and benefits of meditation as they relate to everyday health, happiness and peace as well as to the more esoteric higher level experience available with practice.

  • A New Spirituality?

    Some years ago I heard Doc Lew Childre from the Institue of HeartMath say that we were entering a time when “spirit needed to meet the sidewalk”. To me that meant

  • How to Strengthen Your Intuition

    How to Strengthen Your Intuition

    What is intuition? We talk about it, even use it, but do we really understand it and even more important, how do we develop and make the best use of it?

  • How Do You Transcend Ego?

    A major contribution that Meditation makes to those advantages is the development of our Observer Self –that aspect of Self that is beyond the enslavement of thought and emotion. [caption id="attachment_11053" align="alignleft" width="207"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Eavesdropping on Your Higher Mind?

    Allowing yourself to notice this moment and just be with it helps you to open up to a greater experience of your higher awareness and spiritual connection. [caption id="attachment_11698" align="alignleft" width="412"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Relating or Reacting to Life?

    Being centered and deeply rooted—settled into the core of your Being —helps move you into an expanded awareness that is more of the soul/spirit/higher self. From this perspective it becomes easier to notice thoughts, feelings and sensations as aspects that move through you rather than as things that you ARE. [caption id="attachment_12332" align="alignleft" width="487"] Photo…