Tag: New Age
Three Ways to Enhance Intuition
Three Ways to Enhance Intuition[caption id="attachment_10695" align="alignleft" width="225"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Change, Communication and Higher Will
We’ve been exploring the chakras as they relate to change in our lives. Now we arrive at the Throat Chakra and look at it’s relationship to change.
Facebook’s Oldest User is an Inspiration
this video interviews Facebook’s oldest user,Edythe Kirchmaier, who has much wisdom to share
Do You Really Want to Give Your Ego the Boot?
At some point on our spiritual journey we begin to really question how to differentiate between ego and our spiritual nature. All of our aspects are deeply entwined and our ego can be quite tricky, so it is helpful to have some awareness of how each shows up in our lives.
Energy and Enlightenment
To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing a very effective way to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center.
Do Unconscious Beliefs Affect Your Life?
We all have programmed into our systems ways of being, thinking, and feeling that are helpful, useful and protective. We also have thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are false, dysfunctional and some that are downright harmful! Unfortunately, the people who influence and help us form our beliefs do not always provide accurate information, as they…