Tag: mind power
The Energy of Fear–Part 2
Although fear may seem to have many causes, it is said that the primary underlying cause is fear of death. Fear of death is a fear of bringing something to an end. That “something” comes in many disguises. Some of the disguises you may be familiar with are fear of being wrong, fear of not…
Growth, Change and Creativity Part II
Once you answer the previous post’s questions re: creativity, you may want to take a deeper look at how you can approach life with more creative awareness. Reflect upon these more specific questions to gain a deeper insight into your patterns. What is necessary to bring a creative style to your life and to cultivate…
Energy, Feng Shui,and the Authentic Self
Everything is Energy For thousands of years people have known that everything is energy. In Feng Shui we study the I Ching (pronounced “ee- jing”), one of the oldest books from China. This book is also called the Book of Changes. It is about the continual changes in the Universe. It is about living in…
“Supra-sexual Co-creation”–Energy, Relationships and Evolution
Peg, Tony and I would love to have you join us for our radio show on Monday Dec.7, 2009 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be The Energy of Relationships. We will be discussing the energy of attraction as well as the common energetic flows between people that can help or harm relationships. Through…
Benefits of an Energetic Perspective/Approach
Learn more about how energy can help you live the life you desire.