Tag: mind power
What Does it Mean to Resist Nothing!
Learning to be in touch with your subtle energy and manage its flow is a powerful way to meet life and move with it rather than being in turmoil, conflict and defense mode that only perpetuates patterns that cause mental, emotional and physical pain. [caption id="attachment_13579" align="alignleft" width="200"] Near Aysgarth Falls Sonia’s View[/caption]
Meditation, Awareness and Energy
The ocean is a powerful metaphor for our mind/consciousness. Meditation has great benefits beyond the physical to provide a soft landing for us during times of stress, as well as to build strength and ability to enjoy life. [caption id="attachment_11809" align="alignleft" width="252"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Put the Power of Your Creative Mind to Work for Your New Year’s Resolutions
Consciousness is a continuum that we shape as well as are shaped by. With the right tools we can access it and improve that shaping process. [caption id="attachment_10852" align="alignleft" width="431"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
What Kind of Energy do You Bring into Your Day?
In keeping with the theme from the previous blog post, here is another quote that I thought was very helpful to creating the life experience we wish to have
Do You Choose Suffering?
Today I came across some favorite quotes I had saved some time back and was so aware of how a deeper understanding of ourselves€¦our attention, focus and energy relate to them given what we have been talking about re: beliefs and perspective.
7 Questions to Develop Greater Safety, Security and Prosperity
The chakra system provides us with a road map that can help us discover, heal and live from a level of conscious intent that allows us to express more if our Divine Humanity. Here are some questions that help jar loose some of the issues registered in the Root Chakra.