Tag: Mental Health
What is the Relationship of Subtle Energy, Resistance and Your Life?
Years ago when I first heard the phrase, Resist Nothing, it made sense to me on a level where I could use it to consciously release tension but at that time I really did not understand the relationship between resistance and our subtle energy, how it flows through us and the world. [caption id=”attachment_13069″ align=”alignleft”…
Energetic Intelligence, Change and Your Unconscious Mind
It is more than obvious that our world is going through a major upheaval that is touching every aspect of our lives. For some time now we have witnessed crises, breakdown of old systems and revolutionary thoughts, feelings and in some places chaotic action. As difficult as it is to move through a time like…
What is the relationship between chakras, change and consciousness?
Chakras, change and consciousness Our chakra system is a road map for consciousness. Each chakra is responsible for a particular area of our life experience and adds a layer of energy to our overall aura or energy field. Each energy center is always active in our lives, but there are times when a specific chakra…
How Can the Brow Chakra Help You Through Transition and Change?
[caption id="attachment_10654" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] The Brow Chakra can be of great assistance during times of transition and change since it is the seat of judgment, intelligence, sense of reality, rationality and wisdom. However if the brow chakra is out of balance we may not have access to all these abilities to…
Your Energy Field, Consciousness, Health and Self Care
Benefits Working directly with energy & consciousness provides you with an easier and more powerful method for change, health, development of higher level functions such as intuition, creativity and insight and achievement of goals [caption id="attachment_11374" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Throat Chakra: Communication, Pure Consciousness, Listening and Choice
This post discusses the positive and negative signs of an unbalanced throat chakra as well as the advantages of coherent energy in this energy center.