Tag: Learning
How Can We Positively Manage the Stages of Change?
When we can learn to embrace change and allow ourselves to dance gracefully with it, we become more comfortable with ourselves and the world. We can even learn to invite change and enjoy rather than fear it!
Spring, Change and Letting Go of Old Patterns of Stress
Each season brings with it its own pattern of energy. Especially in those parts of the world where there are long, cold and dark winters we have an opportunity to clearly see an outer manifestation of the contrasts that we live with, not just in the weather but in every part of our lives. We…
How Can Caregivers Prevent An Energy Crisis?
Simple steps you can take to replenish your energy while caring for others. [caption id="attachment_13024" align="alignleft" width="256"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Changes that Stick: Supporting Your New Year Resolutions
This post from last New Year has some relevant information for us to ponder as we think about forming our intentions for the year. Here we are ready to take our first steps into the New Year‚…perhaps not quite really present yet as parts of ourselves may be focused still on the effects of recent…
Do You Really Want to Give Your Ego the Boot?
At some point on our spiritual journey we begin to really question how to differentiate between ego and our spiritual nature. All of our aspects are deeply entwined and our ego can be quite tricky, so it is helpful to have some awareness of how each shows up in our lives.
Energy and Enlightenment
To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing a very effective way to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center.