Tag: inspiration
Chakra Health, Focus and Concentration: How Your Energy Impacts Your Ability
Many of us find great difficulty staying focused as increasingly the world encourages multitasking. Once highly prized multitasking has been found to not only be ineffective and inefficient but also unhealthy for our brains![caption id="attachment_13401" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
6 Tips to Reduce Resistance to Healing and Change
Positive feedback is often not enough to maintain new behavior Old habits are hard to break and resistance to change is natural Approaches that use principles of neuroplasticity* turbo charge your conscious efforts [caption id="attachment_13373" align="alignleft" width="220"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Creative Change: Practices for Releasing the Stress of Change
How can mind-body and spirit can cooperate and each add skills for navigating change? [caption id="attachment_13356" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Authentic Self, Energy, and Personal Power
Authentic self is the real you –unencumbered by fear, outmoded scripts and heavy burdens … the authentic self lives in flow with purpose, passion, creativity, harmony, and balance. The process of uncovering our authentic self requires healing of past wounds and embracing our inner power. This has been referred to as the path of the spiritual…
Mindful Stress Reduction: Four Concepts to Build Resiliency
Recognizing that when you experience regret or when you judge others, you are blocking your energy, weakening it so you do not have it present to bring to the expression of your full potential. It is important to attend to the underlying issues that those negative processes spring from for true clarity to emerge in…
Anger and Fear: Taking Charge of Your Health and Well Being
Anger and fear are prevalent in our world now. Even if the feelings are justified it is important to have skills to release them to prevent health issues. Anger and Fear: Signs of the times It is an understatement to say that our world is a challenging place to live right now. With the complex…