Tag: inspiration
6 Questions to Assess Personal Power
Here are some questions that can help you assess where you are re: personal power–I find them helpful reminders to keep my on the path as well.
Personal Power…a Center for All Experience: Grief, Loss, Living and Loving
The term personal power means different things to different people. Here is a list that touches deeply into the notion of personal power beyond ordinary thought.
How Acceptance Can Reduce Stress for Caregivers
If we can truly open to a sense of acceptance we can remain engaged in life without uselessly forcing our own agenda. Instead of using precious energy to resist or fight in vain, we remain open to many more possible and potent outcomes. It is truly amazing to watch what happens when you truly embrace…
Spring, Change and Letting Go of Old Patterns of Stress
Each season brings with it its own pattern of energy. Especially in those parts of the world where there are long, cold and dark winters we have an opportunity to clearly see an outer manifestation of the contrasts that we live with, not just in the weather but in every part of our lives. We…
What you need to know about the brow chakra and intuition
Brow Chakra, Intuition and Clairvoyance The brow chakra and its relationship to intuition and clairvoyance are fairly well known. Many of us seek to increase our abilities here without truly understanding the concept of balance in flow of energy both within a chakra and within the system as a whole. Consequently, problems can arise as…
Mind Up: A Conversation with Goldie Hawn and Deepak Chopra
“Next phase transition in humanity“…Deepak Chopra This 44 minute conversation discusses Mind Up, a program that is being brought into schools (based on neuroscience) that increases emotional stability,academic performance, attention, develops empathy, innovation and creativity and decreases aggression. Fascinating information that we can all use but is especially helpful for children and teachers. In…