Tag: inspiration
A Midwife to the Dying–from On Being (American Public Media)
Below is a link to an interview from the program On Being. Beneath that is a poem contained in the interview which weaves together many of the themes discussed in the interview. The interview is not just about dying and the state of affairs around that in our western world, it is as much about…
Why Energy Healing?
What I found in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Healing (from many sources) was the means to heal from the inside out with relative ease. I also found a way to understand ourselves and engage in spiritual growth and higher human potential that cut through the incessant dialogue that tends to describe, catalogue, organize, and package…
The Secret of Happiness
Happiness is one of those feelings that has many different aspects. We can be wildly happy about good things that happen in our lives…exuberant, exhilarated, joyful, are all words that describe that full blown happy feeling. These feelings tend to arise when things are going our way…when we approve of external outcomes. However, in order…