Tag: inspiration
Three Ways to Enhance Intuition
Three Ways to Enhance Intuition[caption id="attachment_10695" align="alignleft" width="225"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Change, Communication and Higher Will
We’ve been exploring the chakras as they relate to change in our lives. Now we arrive at the Throat Chakra and look at it’s relationship to change.
Sun, Earth, Moon and People: It’s All Connected–a Video from GCI
An interesting video updating information being learned by the Global Coherence Initiative regarding the interconnection of all things.
Facebook’s Oldest User is an Inspiration
this video interviews Facebook’s oldest user,Edythe Kirchmaier, who has much wisdom to share
Do You have time to not meditate?
Perhaps as we look at the benefits we can shift our perception and ask, Do I really have the time to NOT meditate? For me this brings up a whole different flow of ideas and questions….like how well am I caring for myself, where are my priorities…what do I truly value?