Tag: Health
12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery now available download/Reduced Rate!
12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery combines timeless philosophy, quantum theory and neuroscience to provide you with a comprehensive approach to energy and mind mastery skills. These skills provide you with effective ways to manage stress, rise to challenges from strength and create greater ease, peace and fulfillment. Each session highlights a specific concept and explores…
5 Ways to Create a Map for Self Care
Self Care Helps Prevent Fatigue, Stress and Burnout A continuous outflow of energy through giving without refueling or replenishing yourself cannot possibly end up anywhere but in fatigue and burnout. It is then that resentment can set in not to mention damage to your own health. You must stop and refuel in order to keep…
Why Self- Care is So Necessary: An Inside Story
Letting Go of Self CareIt is easy to let life take hold and not find time for self-care practices. I know I struggle with this a lot! Then I remember the very real benefits of a deep self-care practice and the downside of NOT practicing. The reality is we don’t have time not to since…
Neural Nets: Secret Pathways That Affect Your Health
Neural Nets, Emotion, Thought and Behavior Our emotions and behavior stimulate and shape the formation of neural pathways (neural networks) in our brains that reinforce existing patterns or begin new ones. When we think the same thoughts, the neural pathways become busier, stronger and more pronounced. Eventually our repeated thoughts become beliefs that also become…
Self Care and How You Can Be Your Own Best Friend
Being a friend to your SELF is no mere metaphor or purely sentimental idea. It is the basis of all relationships, because it is a fundamental recognition of soul.” Thomas Moore 1. Healthy self care includes listening to how you speak to yourself Turn up the volume on your self-talk. Become aware of the voices in…
What is the Relationship of Energy and Stress?
Our energy system is the primary way we interface with the world. Our field is affected first, then our nervous system comes into play transmitting our reaction through the rest of our systems…for good or ill So if we are aware and know how to manage energy then we are ahead of the game in…