Tag: Health
Energy Drains: 7 Tips for Protection
Here are some tips on energy management and protecting yourself from energy drains
Do Energy Fields Reveal Information About Your Soul?
Energy fields contain information about our basic natures as well as life experiences. We each have our own energetic imprint. In some ways this could be thought of as a “soul-print”. Our energy fields show both our strengths and our weaknesses. It seems that our energy is designed both as the means to best express…
Energy, Relationships and the Global Heart
This brief video by Anodea Judith speaks to the energy of relationship and how to shift out of old patterns through that awareness.
The New Human: Spiritual Evolution, Compassion and Connection
Compassionate care demonstrated in real time, a visible shift of grief, all caught on biofeedback!
Personal Power: Use it or Lose It!
Mind Matters: How we use our minds affects every aspect of our lives so it seems reasonable and desirable to master ourselves at this level so we can be at cause in our lives rather than suffering effects! [caption id="attachment_16206" align="alignleft" width="234"] Mountain Goat by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Intuition, Energy Awareness and Second Attention
What are the benefits of shifting how we pay attention?