Tag: Grief
Grief and Self Care for the Holidays and Beyond: 7 Tips for Moving Beyond Grief
It may seem strange to include a post about grief during Christmas week, but I think in particular this year we must honor the losses of this year even as we celebrate the holiday. Having a balance where we have space for both grief and joy brings us into a more authentic experience of life.…
Remedies for Anxiety and Stress: Centering and Grounding to Create Safety, Security and Stillness
Centering and Grounding Help Reduce Stress and Build ResilienceEmbodying our energy is important at anytime for our health and well-being. At this time in our lives it is even more critical as we deal with unprecedented amounts and types of stress. This video contains information about centering and grounding to explain why/how it is is…
Letting go allows for healing
Letting go of old toxic stuck energies is the heart of healing because until we truly clear out the old programs and unresolved emotions and stories from our systems nothing new can really take root deep within our consciousness to become a new center of strength, power and freedom to guide our lives.
7 Steps to Deal with Grief, Stress and Loss
Grief and loss: unwanted but natural During this time of the Covid 19 crisis there are many feelings arising naturally. One are that may not be immediately apparent is grief. Our way of life, jobs, community interaction, patterns of daily living, and so much more has been disrupted. Within these very necessary changes are a…
Energy Contractions: How Can You Effectively Release Pain and Resistance?
Energy contraction is our normal reaction to stress, distasteful or difficult experiences and physical and emotional pain. This is meant to be protective, however it tends to intensify our discomfort and pain. Energy contraction can be a default pattern that we learned early in life when we had few skills to protect ourselves. Unfortunately it can…
How Personal Power Helps to Let Go and Move Forward
Personal Power Unblocked Through Grief There are all sorts of reasons why personal power is difficult to source. Grief can be one way that our energy (our power) is blocked and therefore inaccessible. It is important for all of us to become introspective and assess where we stand vis a vis personal power and grief,…