Tag: God
4 Tips to Engage the Power of Spirit in Your Life
Our spiritual nature can be experienced through our energy system and can be a great help in the support of creating and living our lives. Here are some thoughts that can be useful to put the power of the spiritual behind our intentions. [caption id="attachment_10853" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Do You Really Want to Give Your Ego the Boot?
At some point on our spiritual journey we begin to really question how to differentiate between ego and our spiritual nature. All of our aspects are deeply entwined and our ego can be quite tricky, so it is helpful to have some awareness of how each shows up in our lives.
Which Choice Will You Live Today?
Which world will you live in today? The one that tempts you to enter and create through negative thoughts, fear and doubt or the one that quietly beckons you toward peace, love, happiness and joy?
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing Are these words familiar? “I know I should let go. I just don’t know how.” But whoever taught you HOW to Let Go?
Releasing Negative Control
Whether it is God, the Universe, a Higher Power, spirit guides, angels, or other form of guidance that resonates with you–there is great power and untying of energetic knots in surrender, releasing the need to orchestrate and control…LETTING GO of the stress that binds you.