Tag: Fight-or-flight response
Abundant, Free Flowing, Coherent Energy: Antidote to Stress
Stress and the Flow of Energy When we are stressed or threatened, our flow of energy is increased to prepare us for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results in living with…
How Fearful Emotions Make You Vulnerable to Deception
Fearful emotions are not unknown to any of us. Understanding their powerful impact opens the door to freedom and change that empowers rather than weakens. This was recorded some time ago but the message is still meaningful. Dr. Lipton explains in a clear and concise way how fear affects the brain and makes us open…
6 Stress Management Tips to Really Boost Your Energy
These 6 Stress Management Tips can help ease the adjustment of the back to school rush and shift out of summer mode into Fall routines. September often feels like another New Year! Whether it is the back to school rush or the shift to new routines, we can all use some reminders about how to…
Subtle Energy Benefits for Your Self Care Plan
Subtle Energy benefits your self care plan by providing core motivation and increasing the tools available. When we know that our field is disrupted we can introduce a healthy pattern.
Subtle Energy Benefits for Your Self Care Plan
Subtle Energy benefits your self care plan by providing core motivation and increasing the tools available. Self care is tremendously important yet it is often the hardest thing to include in our days. We go and go, give and give without taking time for ourselves. We are beginning to recognize this pattern as being a…