Tag: emotion
Energy Coherence: Tips to Create a Healthy, Flowing Aura
When we know how our field is disturbed then we can introduce a healthy pattern e.g. add color, change frequency, develop coherence, process emotions, or shift belief patterns to assist with healing or avoid illness. We can physically bring in new energy at the pre- cellular level and create new patterns.
Gratitude, Appreciation, Heart and Health
We hear this same message regarding gratitude from many sectors: the spiritual, psychological, medical and scientific. Gratitude has been shown to be a powerful emotion that generates positive outcomes in health, well-being, and prayer as well as in the creation of reality.
Introduction : Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
From the Introduction to our recording Letting Go: the Heart of Healing Before we begin I’d like to share some thoughts with you. Throughout my professional life first as a nurse and then as a psychotherapist my major interest and motivation has been to offer solutions that alleviate pain and discomfort. Early on in my career…
How Does Sensing Subtle Energy Increase Health and Happiness?
Sensing Subtle Energy is Natural We all sense subtle energy, although we may not always realize it. Some people are gifted with this ability from birth, but the truth is we all possess this capacity and can develop it with increased awareness and a bit of practice. The majority of us do not see subtle…
Personal Power: 13 Ways to Recognize It
Personal power may mean different things to different people. In my opinion it really is about self mastery and the ability to move past ego and the common mind that causes so much stress. Persistent kindness with oneself and acknowledgment that this is a journey, an ongoing process, allows us to be gentle and open as…
Are you too sensitive?
What does it mean to be an empath? How do you know if you are an empath? This article outlines some of the common signs and helps you to know what it means and if you are!