Tag: Earth
How a Strong Root Chakra Helps Conquer Fear and Anxiety
How can the Root Chakra help you overcome fear and anxiety? ROOT CHAKRA: Your Secret Ally
Energetic Intelligence, Change and Your Unconscious Mind
It is more than obvious that our world is going through a major upheaval that is touching every aspect of our lives. For some time now we have witnessed crises, breakdown of old systems and revolutionary thoughts, feelings and in some places chaotic action. As difficult as it is to move through a time like…
What Determines Your Power of Choice and Style of Communication?
The throat chakra as the others can have an imbalance with too much or too little energy. Physically trouble with the neck, ears, shoulders, thyroid, or parathyroid can occur. The information that follows gives a clearer picture of what happens when this chakra is not well developed or balanced.
The Secret to Connecting with the Authentic Self
To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing a very effective way to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center.
Self-Care 101: An Inner Practice to Strengthen Your Core
A simple, easy practice to reduce stress and strengthen your core, the center of your personal power system. [caption id="attachment_14666" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Energy Blocks and Life Experience
Imagine a beam of pure light filled with all the energy of pure joy, power, bliss and love coming into a container that is too small to embody all of it, but it is capable of letting the energy flow through it.